Grade: First grade of Elementary School
Our next project concerning Space would be to make our solar system, using simple materials, such us newspaper, balloon, paints and white glue through a technique called: papier macher. After studying thoroughly each planet through books and videos and talking about its shape, size in relation to Earth and distance from the Sun, we started working: first we cut the newspaper sheets into stripes, we blew the balloon, so it would have the proper size and shape, we soaked the stripes into the glue and put them onto the balloon. Once dried, we broke the balloon, and painted each planet, trying to look like the real one! Through this activity, which took up much of our time for many days, the children were able to practice their minor skill ability, to improve co–operation and communication skills and, of course, they learned so much about our solar system through the most experiential manner!
Subjects involved: Arts, Science
Grade: First grade of Elementary School
Video link:
Music, speech and movement are already found in Ancient Greek Drama, while the existence of traditional singing games, over time and worldwide, proves that music kinetics has never ceased to be a means of education. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first attempts were made to integrate the above arts for educational purposes, and so the curriculum of physical education included music-kinetic education, which, through its chosen themes, contributes to the realization of the purpose and goals of physical education, as it enables children to build on their existing experiences to develop motor, cognitive, and emotional fulfillment.
As part of the music-kinetic education module in the first trimester, the children were selected to work on the song "Feast of the Stars". The goals achieved are as follows:
● Interdisciplinary approach to space, constellations, planets
● Development of movement and motor expression skills
● Development of acoustic and space perception
● Development of kinetic creativity and collaboration
Subjects involved: Physical Education, Music
…The song “Feast of the Stars” talks about a great feast in the sky, a party in which all the stars and constellations take part, creating a magical atmosphere… !
We’ll turn off the lights of the city and the houses
Tonight we’ll have Feast of the Stars!
Poulia will take over the bar and drinks
and the Great Bear will bring the ice- creams!
The Pleiades will bring the lights
and the Polar Star will start the dance
Saturn will play the trumpet, Scorpio will play the drums
Orion will play the piano, and Janus the guitar!
Children and teachers of Centro primary like the way of drawing space suggested by Slovenian friends. Picture we saw in Elvire Vatovec school was impressive. So, inspired by friends children of first and second grades decided to draw giant picture of Milky way. It took some days and lot of patience.... You can see the result. Thank you, partners, for inspiration and sharing ideas!
6th grade: Continuing their work with the Erasmus+ while working in space, the children imagined and created a model of the city of the future, located in the far corners of space.
With simple materials and imagination, they gave a four-dimensional (4D) representation of the place and time of the universe, where future generations will live, with the expectation of always having the human element.
We travelled to space as astronauts!
First, we read books about space and watched YouTube videos about planets and astronauts’ life aboard a spacecraft.
Then we were divided into three groups. We collaborated and wrote stories about an imaginary journey to space. We put on astronaut helmets, made of white and black cardboard, and travelled to the magical space with its beautiful stars and constellations.
We also built and created a structure showing our spaceship’s journey to space. We took a plastic plate, coloured it and cut it. Then we glued our paper spaceship craft and several paper stars on the plate.
Involved courses: Language, Arts
We did a fun activity in class 5 while learning about the surface of the Moon which is marked by millions of craters. You can see all the steps of The crater experiment here.
First we made Moon's surface in a metal pan using flour and cocoa powder. Then we dropped marbles and different sized balls, that acted as the crushing asteroids and comets, into the pan.
We observed how the size of the marbles and the height affects the size of the craters. The lesson was too short because we wanted to make millions of moon craters.
It was moontastic!
Teachers of the Slovenian language have encouraged their students to creative writing on the topics: Space and Holidays in Space. Pupils let their fantasy fly up to the skies, they wrote poems and essays, made illustrations. During the informal gathering in the library older students were reading their poems and stories to the younger peers. Later pupils developed an interesting discussion about possible life in outer space. Let's learn from each other...
Students of Elvire Vatovec Prade and Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve are tied with tight bonds and a long - term mutual cooperation. Children take an active part in the Reserve: they are learners, participants,visitors. Pupils and teacher Ksenija had an Art lesson in the authentical environment. While observing the environment they draw nature on glass with felt-tip pens for glass and added elements of imaginary space above the Reserve. They used the technique of line drawing. For more pictures watch the PPT.
It was real space in Elvire Vatovec school. Great job! Great children and great teachers! It was out of subject box, out of stereotypes, but still under control and full of professionalism and love to work and children. Partners from Lithuania and Greece are gratefull for meeting full of ideas, nice examples and warm relations. It is what we expect from Erasmus +...
Children and parents of 3b class decided to visit observatory and ethnocomological museum in Molėtai. There were a lot of impressions not just for children, but for parents too. Observatories are so modern now - you dont need to sit there for long nights. You can obsereve the sky from distance, sitting in your office and not just watch - you can open the roof of observatory and turn on the telescope from distance too. Visitosrs of museum can touch and keep in hands small peace of metheorite and to have fotosession "on moon surface"...
This is just the second moth at school for us, but we know that the Sun is the star. We discussed how does it look and decided, that we can find not just the one color when whattcing the Sun - it can be very bright, yellow or red. We found that there is impossible to find pure colors around us - we have to mix them for getting realy nice picture. So there are our Suns....
Fourth graders decided, that the best way to create aliens is to use old shoes. Shoes are so different - you can let your fantasy fly!...
You can attach any materials to old shoe - plastic bottles, cans,paper... Your alien coud be like a spider, bird or human - do whatever you want...
After discussing phases of the Earth's Moon during a Science lesson pupils of class 4 named all the phases in English and made an Oreo cookies Moon phase plate. Separating the dark cookie part while keeping the white frosting intact was a fun challenge.
But it was worth it! Because now we will remember better how the Moon changes from new moon to full moon and back every month. Science can be yummy!
Subjects: Science, English
During summmer camp in July and June students of Elvire Vatovec Prade primary school had a very creative time. Artist Snežana Petrović Sudarić was an excellent mentor and students created a magnificent art piece *Galaxy* which now decorates our school. They used acryl paints on canvas.
On 26 September Europe celebrates European day of languages. Europe is rich in languages - there are over 200 European languages and many more spoken by citizens whose family origin is from other continents. Is an important resource to be recognised, used and cherished.
Pupils at Elvire Vatovec Prade can lean English, Italian, French, German and Spanish. Their families come from different countries and they can speak Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian, Macedonian, Russian.
This time we presented different languages within the theme*SPACE*.
Hi, It's me, alien!
During recent English lessons pupils were developing creative writing and craft skills. During the *Space* theme based period at school they made their own alien which had to describe and present itself and its home planet. Pupils used their imagination and wrote interesting descriptions based on imaginary space world.
Subjects:English and crafts
My alien friend
Do you believe in aliens? Where do aliens live ? Have you ever seen an alien? Have you ever dreamt an alien? Woul you like to have an alien friend? Pupils in 5. A have discussed all this. Now they have their own alien friends. Aliens lived in their imagination untill they were drawn on paper. So, meet them, alien friends!
Subjects: English, art, science
We watched from internet the planets one by one, we learned their names, their size and their location in space.
Then we cut circles of cardboard, painted and glued them to the correct position.
Afterwards we used plasticine to make the planets. We put them tobs on each one with his name and placed them in relation to their distance from the sun on a black board where we had designed the space.
We talked about the exploration of space and made space rockets with cartons and coloured papers. We had fun and practiced minor mobility. We started to paint our friend, the astronaut, who will help us travel to space with our imagination. In the next weeks we will make an astronaut helmet and even scuba tank and we will become real astronauts!
Through the eyes of the ancient Greeks we looked at the Universe with its constellations and learned what they believed about its creation through the ancient Greek myths. We wrote a book with the best-known myths, we designed constellations, stars, planets and satellites, and linked the tale to reality.
With our imagination, the thirst for learning and the development of our skills we have reached far to the edge of our solar system. We got to know the planets in turn, visited them and realized how much we had to take care of our Earth, because it is the only one.