On 20 December Slovenian and Greek schools had a Skype event on the topic * Christmas and New Year festivals*. Greek pupils sang traditional Greek Christmas songs in their native language, Slovenian pupils sang a traditional  *Jingle bells*, showed a self-created reindeer dance and played a song on the euphonium. Children had fun, got to know each other better and made tighter bonds between schools.

It was big pleasure to meet innovative, creative,hard working and optimistic partners! It was meeting of cooperation, understanding and positive emotions. Thank you all - guests and hosting colleagues! Click on Image and enjoy your memories.


Your coordinator


Yes, our brain also needs to exercise to develop our mental potential. The pupils in grade 4 and 5 did some brain gym during their English lessons.

What's Brain Gym? A specific set of movements, exercises and educational philosophy recognized and used widely around the world. The main principle is that moving with intention leads to optimal learning. We tried to do different kinds of  lazy eights, the infinity simbol first standing with our left, right, both arms, with closed eyes and later also sitting and  writing on all sorts of surfaces like whiteboard, desk, floor and notebook.   Even though it is not clear yet why these movements work so well, they often bring about dramatic improvements in concentration and focus, memory, reading and coordination.


Do you want to have strong muscles 'in your head'? See and try the Brain Gym :)


Movement is the basic ability of the human body. Various emotions are expressed through movement, like hostility, hatred, brutality, but also love, bonding, friendship, forgiveness.

Expressive dance is the best way to show these emotions.


Our goal was to put our students into a process of emprovement through an experiential role play. Unfortunately, war is more timely than ever. What we need is peace. This is the message from the 5th grade. CLICK ON IMAGE FOR VIDEO


Vital organs hit the door of our class! (2nd grade)

What do you say to open them?

Getting to know my body the bones and the internal organs. We made the skeleton and placed the pieces in the correct piece. We learned about where each should be placed and the function of each organ in the human body.

I learn how to breathe property with the diaphragm and the function of the lungs through an experiment we did.


We also exploded the human bud through art!


Movement and dance is an extension of the human body. Through expressive dance a human body can express the emotions it experiences. Bulling is a major social problem of our time and a frequent phenomenon in schools among students.


Through movement and expressing dance, by entering into roles and experiencing empathy we present this problem in a special and non – boring way, giving the opportunity to the studens to participate in a social lesson. Executed by 6th grade. CLICK ON IMAGE TO SEE VIDEO


When we finished the other projects regarding the human body, we decided to compose a song about the importance to love oneself and to respect the dissimilarity of the human body, in order to enhaunce self – confidence.


The pupils starting by saying pairs of opposite words (eg. Tall – short, thin – chappy…), which were written on board. Then they translated those words in English. This way we started writing the lyrics of the song. The teacher started the first sentence, pointing out what the song would be about. The pupils came up with a title and, by completing one the idea of the other, the song was finally written. Afterwards, the Music teacher of our school, mr, Nikos Perakis, wrote the music for the song. 6th grade. Song is HERE


The doll, by its nature, is an object that confuses the boundaries of reality and imagination, as it is an object of art with high symbolism and autonomous existence (Cohen, 2007).

“…is the representation of a living being, more or less true. It varies in proportions, is able to make predetermined movements and can give birth to all kinds of emotions, mental states and attitudes. In summary, she has dramatic skills and is animated, either openly or secretly, in any way invented by her handler” (Manier, 1953).

The children of 5th grade worked together, both for the construction and for the animation of the giantdoll. All of them have benefited greatly from it as a pedagogical and expressive medium, as they have overcome fears and expressed their needs through the doll that personalizes their dreams and concerns and expresses their deeper feelings.

They printed on the doll words such as: Stress, Optimism, Memories, Selfconfidence, Dissatisfaction, Unhappiness, Surprise, Hope, Trust, Success, Happiness, Courage, Anger, Kindness, Cry, Sadness, Repentance, Hatred, Loneliness, Bitterness, Faith, Pain, Emotion, Forgiveness, Patience, Joy.


We thank the Technical University of Crete for allowing us to disseminate the project on the day of Science and Technology on 10/11/2018.


1) When the music starts, children (2nd grade) begin to move around space making body shapes. When the music stops, after the teacher’s guidance, the children begin to join: Two hands, two legs, one hand and one leg, head and elbow, etc

2) Body shapes in combination with objects (for example, rhythmic crowns)

3) Body shapes in relation to the ground. Two feet touching the ground, two hands and one foot touching the ground, two legs and one hand touching the ground, neither the legs nor the hands touching the ground

Instructive targets: kinesthetic perception, acoustic perception, visual perception, ability to co – ordinate and co- operate, kinetic creative expression and imagination


Methods of reproduction: order method, method guided by inventiveness


Through a choreography we presented the blood-circulation.See video HERE


The 1st grade of the 5th Primary School of Chania, invites children from the Lithuanian and Slovenian schools to play together the skeleton puzzles. Puzzles are all of us and are played in free software. It is very fun when playing on an interactive board. Let,s play.




3th grade. During the Erasmus + program, we studied the function of the human heart and more specifically, the function of the circulatory system. 
The title of our program is "Listen to your heart".
1. We read books about the human heart and we watched videos on youtube regarding the circulatory system.
2. We drew the network of arteries and veins in our body.
3. We heard our heart beating when we stayed calm. Then we ran on the spot and traced our pulse on our wrist and on the side of our neck.
4. We playedcardiologists and patients in a role-playing game . The cardiologist listened to the patient’s heart with a stethoscope, showed him/her the
cardiogram, and then gave some tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a strong heart.
5. We became small artists! We drew a picture of the human heart and decorated it any way we liked it.


Involved courses: Language, Science, Arts, Gymnastics.


Creating “wire people”


6th grade,

Continuing our activities regarding the human body, we enabled ourselves with a very special artistic work: creating small human figures made of wire and thread. Each pupil made his own “little person” on which each child’s face was printed. It was a very interesting and amusing activity, which gave the children the chance to co – operate and improve their thin-mobility of the fingers, a very useful ability.


Subject involved: Art

We had the first skype connection between the schools of the project. Despit to the technical issues, the atmosphere was great and we had enogh time to see differences of our languages, style and temperament. Thank you, dear partner,s for songs, dances, active participation and enthusiasm! We can do a lot together!


The 1st Grade of the 5th Primary School of Chania, named the project "I Know Me"

The purpose of the program is: To know the human skeleton, its parts (skull, chest, pelvis, upper limbs, lower limbs), what constitutes a bone and what it takes to have healthy and strong bones.

Program implementation:
• Construction of a human skeleton with cardboard.
• Reporting on the symmetry of the human skeleton through the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Man of Vitruvius".
• Construction of an inner part of bone with daily use materials.
• Construction of a human skeleton with chalk.
• Talk about how and why a bone breaks.
• Report on what healthy bones (Ca, Vitamin D, healthy eating and exercise) require.
• Construction of a Greek Alphabet with the body.
• Games with the skeleton.

Involved courses: Language, mathematics, natural sciences, arts, gymnastics.


We have almost finished talking about our first topic, human body, here in Slovenia.

Last week two classes attended the exhibition Bodies Worlds Vital  in Ljubljana.

Firsty, we actively participated in a brain fitness workshop where we were taught some very useful memorizing tecniques. Can you name all ten decathlon disciplines in the correct order? We've learnt it easily by using our body parts that help us to remeber. Have a look in the video clip below!

We walked through a collection of real specimen and body parts preserved using cutting- edge plastination technique, starting from muscles and bones, digestion, nervous system... to the creation of a new human being. 

Did you know that teeth are stronger than bones? And that  you use 15 muscles while laughing and 45 while yawning?

An important highlight of the exhibition is to show how important it is to look after our bodies. And we all decided that we will try even harder in the future. It was an unforgettable experience to discover the world beneath our skin.


Children of pre - school class "built" alphabet with their bodies together with teachers. It was big fun to "freeze" for some seconds and to make pictures. Try it in yuor class! Let's make our own alphabets! You can find funy powerpoint here. (download it for watching in ppt with sounds and animations)


Yes! we have letters from Greece too!


Mantas's and Martynas's sister Monika is going to be a nurse. She is hardly studying for that. Monika came to Rasa's  class where her brothers are learning and told children about first aid actions and worked as assistant in the class. She hellped children to measure heights and weights, to fill in the work sheats. It was realy interesting to try special "choke west" and to pretend friend's helping or to try artificial respiration in action. Children compared their heights and weights when they were born and now.


Regarding the subject “the human body” we decided to occupy ourselves with the ideal of the female beauty throughout centuries and to concentrate especially in the historic period of the Renaissance. We studied paintings of famous artists, such us Raphael, Sandro Boticeli and Michelangelo.

Examining the representation of the female body we noticed that the standards of the ideal body differentiate from time to time. We also noticed that what today is considered ugly, was once the ideal and the average standard.

We discussed that each person is unique and beautiful exactly the way he/she feels good with oneself. We expanded the discussion in both genders and came to the conclusion that the type of the body shape, the color of the skin, the weigh, the height or other special body characteristics aren’t so important as the mental and physical health. We named the approach: Love yourself”


The aim of the whole project is for the students to enhance the self – confidence and feel good about themselves. This is very important, as they are children in the beginning of puberty. We also tried to enhance empathy and co operation.


Connection with the school subjects of History, Music and Arts.


We say that eyes are the mirror of our soul... Children from "2b" looked at that mirrors and tried to recognize their friends just from  eyes. At the begining they took pictures of each other and "cut" eyes from own portraits using simple computer software. So they've got collection of 2b eyes. It was realy interesting and fun to recognize friend and to write right name near the slide number. Especialy, when there are 4 pairs  of twins in the class...

You can see the slide show - how it was going by clicking HERE


Skin is the largest human organ. When we grow it grows with us. Our face is covered with skin which also helps us to express our emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. 
During the Art lesson dedicated for the theme 'Graphics' pupils made their facial print. They friendly co-operated and had fun. 


Children from 3b class were exploring "the frame" of our body - skeleton. It is good idea to draw skeleton using the beamer... Just project the picture of skeleton on the big sheet of paper and draw the outline - so, you have nice "class made" skeleton picture for learning names of the bones! Cotton ear sticks are good material for making your own happy and soft skeleton. Try it in your class!


Fourth graders in Slovenia draw and made a skeleton with cotton ear sticks as their friends in Lithuania did. Slovenians labelled their skeletons with parts of the body in Italian under the supervison of teacher Suzana. Great job and a lot of fun!


While learning about the human body pupils studied about the parts and functions of the human digestive tract. So to understand it better the pupils had to make a real size digestive tract from paper. They found out that the small intestine is very tense and that they have to take care of their digestive tract with a healthy diet. During the lesson of Maths the pupils measured their paper tract by non-standard measurement units thus making an introduction to measurement units for length. There was lot of creative work and creative thinking.


Following further studies about human body pupils had the Art lesson on the theme *Sculpture*.  Pupils used aluminum foil to make a 3D statue of a human body representing some kind of motion (showing muscles, doing push-ups, throwing a ball, etc) thus also relating the statues to the lessons of Physical education. When the statues where done pupils labeled the parts of the body with the English words and represented their sculptures. 


Pupils of the 4th class learned about human brain structure and some of their functions. They made the brain helmet and visualised human brain: the two hemispheres. Pupils coloured four lobes with with different colours and learned that each part has its function : visual, sensual, motoric and others. It was not easy to construct the helmet but pupils enjoyed it very much: each of them now have their *own brains * out of their heads 


Third graders from Centro primary laiked Slovenian friends' idea so much! Thank you for sharing!

We made our version of brain helmet. - we translated English names of brain zones into Lithuanian. And realy -  you are right - it was a challenege to cut and to stick brain parts together...


Pupils of the 4th class (10 year olds) had a physical education  lesson with the class teacher Lidija and the English teacher Ieva. Pupils did simple exercises while hearing instructions in English. During the exercises they concentrated on  :   What can my body do ? Why can it do certain movements ? What do our brains do when we move?  How important are our bones? How important are our muscles?


Pupils had the warming up with English instructions, after that they  played a panthomime game *What can I do?* and learned the action words in English ( I can stand on one leg! I can move my arms! I can do a somersault! I can stand still!) Then they played a team game *Dodgeball*. Sport with English  was real fun J


Preschool children know, that colors of eyes can be different. But is it possible to change the color? Domas's mother came to class and joined discussion. She used different lenses and changed the color of her eyes. The most impressive moment was to see two different eyes on one person's face. And it was realy surprising for Domas's mum to look at the mirror "through new eyes". And again -  it is not end of discussion - did we change color of eyes, or just covered real color with colored cover?


Our six year students  were the first, who began to explore human body in Centro Primary.  They discussed the shapes, colors of the face, talked about simetry , tried to draw face, to meke photos of each others faces and draw  symetrical half part of the face.  Sometimes it was a big challenge for  6 year children, but it was realy interesting and big fun. Click on the first picture to see slideshow.  You will be able to find description of activities in "toolbox" link of our webpage  on Wednesday, 10 of October.